Quiz C0-1 | CS 2113 Software Engineering - Spring 2021

Quiz C0-1

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Question 1

The following program does not compile. Fix it to get it to print “Hello, World!”. Copy and paste the final code into the google form

Question 2

Describe what was wrong with the previous program

Question 3

We expect the output in the following program to be

They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 
They're equal :-) 
They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 
They're not equal :-| 

But it’s not working. Fix it below and copy and paste the corrected code into the google form.

Use CTL-c (control+c) to stop the program if you find it is running in an infinite loop

Question 4

Describe what was wrong with the previous program

Question 6

Is the following a function declaration, definition, or both?

int minus(int a, int b){ return a-b;}