Basic Programming in C | CS 2113 Software Engineering - Spring 2021

Basic Programming in C

Part 1: From Java to C

In the part1 directory, you’ll find three Java programs,,, and Rewrite each of these programs into C programs that have the same output (either to stdout or stderr) for any given input.

Part 1 Requirements:
Your submission in the part1 directory must include

  • prob1.c : C version of
  • prob2.c : C version of
  • prob3.c : C version of

Part 2: Fix the errors in the following C programs

In the part2 directory, you’; find three C programs whoops.c, mybad.c and thatsgottahurt.c. Each of these programs fail to compile. Fix the programs errors such that the compile and run correctly. Note you shouldn’t change the functionality of the programs, just the compilation errors

Part 2 Requirements:
Your submission in the part2 directory should include corrected version of the following files

  • whoops.c : C version of
  • mybad.c : C version of
  • thatsgottahurt.c : C version of

Additionally, add a file to the part2 directory called where you describe how each of the programs compilation error was corrected.

Part 3: Hour Glass

In part3 directory. complete the program that prints hourglass patterns of *’s of different widths. Here’s some sample output, and, yes, you should print the row numbers. They will help you debug :)

$ ./hourglass 
Enter hourglass width:
****** 6
 ****  4
  **   2
  **   2
 ****  4
****** 6
$ ./hourglass 
Enter hourglass width:
******* 7
 *****  5
  ***   3
   *    1
  ***   3
 *****  5
******* 7
$ ./hourglass 
Enter hourglass width:
****************************** 30
 ****************************  28
  **************************   26
   ************************    24
    **********************     22
     ********************      20
      ******************       18
       ****************        16
        **************         14
         ************          12
          **********           10
           ********            8
            ******             6
             ****              4
              **               2
              **               2
             ****              4
            ******             6
           ********            8
          **********           10
         ************          12
        **************         14
       ****************        16
      ******************       18
     ********************      20
    **********************     22
   ************************    24
  **************************   26
 ****************************  28
****************************** 30